Our values

At Little Charly welbeing and respect for the smallests are watchwords.
Pushing the originality of the daily baby accesories by keeping very high quality standards is the designer's leitmotiv. The materials used are therefore carefully selected on softness and quality.
Safety is a key factor in Little Charly and so it is essential for us that our suppliers are certified Oeko-Tex to guarantee the absence of nocive substances in our products, giving a quality garantee.
World leader in health labels in textiles, the International Oeko-Tex label is affixed to the textile containing no harmful chemicals for health and skin. VOC emissions (volatile organic compounds) are also limited.
Oeko-Tex guarantees the absence (or a very low level) of undesirable substances for health and skin (formaldehyde, heavy metal, chlorinated phenol, pesticide, phthalate, organotin, chlorinated benzene and toluene, or carcinogenic dyes allergens,…). All prohibited or restricted substances have been put on a specific list.
A human and ecological dimension! Little Charly has chosen to produce locally, which is why the collection is fully manufactured in a clothing workshop in Belgium, boosting the local economy and reducing the impact on the environment.
The brand collaborates only with partners who guarantee a responsible production
By buying Little Charly products you choose for socially and ecological responsible products and you contribute to maintain Belgian know-how.
By buying Little Charly products you choose for socially and ecological responsible products and you contribute to maintain Belgian know-how.